To obtain holy cards of the Holy Face of Manoppello please contact me at The photo of the Holy Face was provided by Father Carmine Cucinelli, OFM, Cap., the Rector of the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello, who is celebrating his birthday today. Tanti auguri Padre Carmine! Best wishes and prayers for Father Carmine on his birthday!
There are two kinds of the holy cards: one has on the back scripture passages, the name of the Shrine and website addresses regarding the Holy Face of Manoppello. The second kind has on the back of the holy card Pope Benedict XVI's prayer to the Holy Face which he composed on the first anniversary of his September 1, 2006 pilgrimage to the Holy Face of Manoppello. Let me know which kind you would like.
Also --- beautiful prayer leaflets for the beatification of Servant of God Padre Domenico da Cese are available from Tarmara Klapatch, translator of Sr. Petra-Maria Steiner's biography of Padre Domenico. Contact Tamara at to obtain the leaflets.