Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The "Acheropite" Icon and the Face of Christ, The Holy Face of Manoppello and the Shroud of Turin

Archbishop Bruno Forte

(Rapino, 18 September 2011 – Study Conference on the Holy Face)



Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto




            I would like to present three brief reflections of a theological-pastoral nature on the relationship between icons known as "Acheropite"(Not made by human hands) and the Face of Christ, with particular reference to the Holy Face of Manoppello and the Shroud of Turin. The first reflection concerns the plausibility of an image of Christ not painted by human hands. The second considers the interpretation of the unpainted image and in the specific case of the image of the Holy Face present in Manoppello, also in relation to the Shroud. The third presents the conclusions of a pastoral and spiritual nature that can be drawn from these premises, those that most directly interest me as a pastor.


            1. Seeing and listening: two ways that are joined together.  Why has Christian tradition shown so much interest in so-called "acheropite" images, that is, those not painted by human hands? What is the theological plausibility of such an interest? According to biblical testimony,   the ways of perceiving the divine over time are fundamentally two: listening and seeing. To say that the biblical world is solely the world of listening -  given the objective relevance of the invitation to listen contained for example in the formula "Shema Israel Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad" - "Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one" (Dt 6: 4) - is  overly simplistic. In  the  Bible  listening is  of fundamental importance because the attachment  to the Word is central  to it: however, both in the Old Testament and in  the New Testament, listening is inseparable from vision.


            In the First Testament we find the combining of the verb  "to see"  with terms related to hearing (for example, at Sinai  "all the people saw the voices":  Ex 20:18 according to the Hebrew text). At the climax of this conception we find Revelation 1:12: the visionary is on the island of Patmos on the day of the Lord, in a liturgical context, and hears the noise of falling waters. He then turns to "see the voice", as the Greek text says: "blèpein tén phonén". "Blépein" is the verb used to indicate an "insistent and profound look", scrutinizing, an intense observation. In the expression of Revelation 1:12 the object of this intense and penetrating gaze is the voice, "tèn phonén". The common translation  in the past was "I turned to see him speaking." This translation, however, is unfortunate, because  it overlooks the fact that the biblical tradition educates us to see what we hear. This is why the psalmist who has heard the words of the Lord wants to see the Face of God. There is a continuous need for a vision that is combined with listening: considering that in Hebrew the term "panim", face, is a plural form, with a dual meaning at times, it is understood that listening, like the vision of the Face of God, will never be truly final. If the Face is the Faces, then God also offers Himself as a tremendous quantity of Faces to be scrutinized. The plural of "panim" tells us that the search for the Face will be continuous, and that therefore the  way of the perception of the divine in time will be a continuous listening to the word to see the Face ever more deeply, up to what theological Tradition calls the vision of God face to face, eternally.


            It is therefore legitimate for the believer not only to listen to the Word of the Lord, but also to seek at the same time the vision of the Face of God: what  response does the biblical God give to this legitimate aspiration? What is the structure of divine self-communication in history? According to the Councils of Nicaea II  (787)  and Constantinople IV (870), which put an end to the crisis of iconoclasm, that is, of the denial of the possibility and legitimacy of sacred images, there are two ways in which God satisfies this aspiration to hear the voice, seeing the voice. According to the formula of the Fourth Constantinopolitan Council they are the "logos en syllabé" - "the  discourse in syllables", and the "graphé en kromasi", "writing in color" (DS 654). There are then two languages of the sacred, a verbal language and a visual language, and this for the faith of the Church is founded on the fact that life became visible (1 Jn 1:2), that the Word became flesh (Jn 1:14). If the Word became flesh, we can be authorized not only to hear His Word, but also to see His Face in some way.


            This means that God always reveals himself in a circumscribed form, whether it is a word, the circumscription of a sound, or in the graphic form of an image, of an icon, which is not by chance called "written" and not painted (hence "iconography"). Through this twofold way we are authorized to seek in a circumscribed form what God says to us, in words and images. This is why it is plausible that, just as once and for all the Word spoke of himself in the words of men and revealed himself in the flesh in his historical face, so he can manifest himself to men in a form that is not only verbal, but also sacramental, and also, by absolute gratuitousness, with an intervention that manifests itself in the form of the visible. I am not referring here to the question of subjective visions, which is very complex from the theological and spiritual point of view and requires rigorous discernment, but I believe that what has been said so far justifies why in the Christian tradition there has always been a great desire for images not painted by human hands: this desire, in short, is not illegitimate in the Christian tradition,  because it is God who established the foundation for this by the fact that he spoke, made himself visible and became man.


            The conclusion of this first point is modest, but absolutely important, because if we were to say theologically that no "Acheropite" image can exist, we would have to prejudicially exclude an investigation into this field: the conclusion we have reached is instead that,  if God loves to manifest Himself "in figuris", both verbally and in vision, we cannot exclude that He has left us imprints of His visible manifestation,  which derive from His making Himself present in history. Of course, these imprints are all the more eloquent the closer to the source: this is why no image will sufficiently render the strength of the encounter with the Word in the flesh as the holy places, where Jesus set his feet (one thinks of Peter's house in Capernaum or at Calvary and the Holy Sepulcher or on the road along the western perimeter of the temple, precious places because of the footprints of a Presence that were there).


            2. The "serious case" of the Face of Manoppello,  What interpretation should we give, then, to the image  and in particular to the image not painted by human hands? If God speaks in words and manifests himself in a handwriting in colors, it is necessary to read the handwriting, just as it is necessary to interpret the logos. This is part of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Judaism and Christianity are religions of interpretation, while Islam, which denies interpretation on principle, is not. Hermeneutics, that is, the science of interpretation, is born within the Judeo-Christian biblical and theological tradition, because God has spoken about Himself but has not totally explained himself in speaking about himself: therefore, through what he told us about himself or gave us to see for himself, we must always go further, dig into the abyss, walk towards the depths. So I try to read theologically an image considered "acheropite", that of the face of Manoppello, giving as possible some elements, obviously not affirmed absolutely, because we are not in a field in which mathematical certainty must be used, but moral certainty is enough. What does the handwriting of this Face tell us? In my opinion, there are three fundamental aspects.

            The first is the strong emphasis on the historical subject of our faith. We do not believe in a myth, we believe in a historical revelation that has passed through a man whom we recognize to be the Son of God, visible, palpable, who has been touched, seen, heard, who has spoken words. Now this appears truly clear in this Face, a Face of man that emphasizes how the subject of the accomplished revelation was the Son of God in the flesh, Jesus. The second aspect is that this Jesus manifests himself in this Face with the two fundamental characteristics of "passus et glorificatus". It is a Face that bears within itself the imprints of the Passion, but at the same time it is a Face that radiates brightness, the victory of Light over darkness: therefore, while it reminds us of the historicity of the Passion, it also reminds us of the historicity of the original testimony of the victory over death. In the Face of Manoppello the dimension of the Glorified is more perceptible than in the Shroud (even if the two faces coincide perfectly, as the research of Sr. Blandina Paschalis Schlömer has shown). In the Shroud there is more the idea of the "Christus Passus": in Manoppello one perceives the paradoxical unity of the "Passus et Glorificatus", which is also a theme of all Christian iconography, in which the Risen Christ is often represented with the wounds of the Passion. Therefore, we are faced with the paradoxical union of death and resurrection.


            The third indication that the image gives us is that it is not only the "Passus et Glorificatus" that is represented, but also the "Patiens et Glorificans". That is, the One we see in this image is the One who in a certain way is suffering, but is also overcoming pain, is communicating to us the victory over pain and death: the (grammatical) participles are not only in the past, but also in the present. The experience of interpreting this image is not only, then, "in illo tempore" (at that time), but it is also alive "hodie et semper" (today and forever): it is as if there were a fixation in eternity both of the act of the Passion and of the act of the Resurrection. On the other hand, in the Book of Revelation the immolated Lamb who is standing says exactly the same things: the most precious biblical source for reading this Face is then not only John 20:7 ("Peter arrives and sees the veils and the sudarium, which was on his head ..."), but also Revelation with the image of the slaughtered Lamb who is standing, of the "Christus Passus et Glorificatus" which is at the same time "Patiens et Glorificans" (Rev 5 :6).


            3. The history of a veil coming from the East to the West and its meaning for us. It is important to  investigate the historicity of this testimony, it is important that two types of methodologies intersect, the one linked to the sciences of the spirit and that proper to the natural sciences: it is necessary to reconstruct historically how this image is here in Manoppello to answer the two questions:  is this the image that was in Rome until the early 1500’s and that which was called the Roman Veronica? And, if this is the image which arrived in Rome in 705, is it the same image imprinted on the "soudarion" of which John speaks (20:7), later present at Camulia in Cappadocia? With regard to these questions, the arguments can only be related to the history of tradition. In addition to these types of investigation, there are then those aimed at ascertaining the consistency of the data: the cloth in front of us:  of what material is it made? The claim that it is of byssus is a particularly important statement, which as far as I know has not been absolutely proven, nor has it been disproven. And then: how was the image imprinted on this material? It is not through weaving, it is not through painting, is it a photo-impression? In order to arrive at the answer to these questions scientific methods are important. Nothing can be taken for granted if one does research in a rigorous way. Having said all this, however, some conclusions of a pastoral-spiritual nature are fundamental.


            In the first place,  if this image is to be contemplated without separating vision and listening, it must be done such that the reading of it is accompanied by the reading of biblical texts, especially the Book of Revelation. It will be necessary to work in this direction, to scrutinize the image with the help that comes to us from the Word of God. Secondly, it is necessary to learn to stand before this image, as  Pope Benedict XVI invited us to do in his discourse during his pilgrimage visit on September 1, 2006, as under the merciful gaze of the Lord, that is, by experiencing contemplative silence before the Word. The image of Manoppello can be an education in listening to the silence of God, which is not the silence of the mutism of those who do not speak, but it is the silence of those who speak with a language that is not that of words. Knowing how to let ourselves be looked at, placing under the gaze of Jesus' mercy the sin of the world and the expectation of humanity and letting His Face be imprinted upon us, is what matters most. What would be the point of contemplating the Face, investigating it in the most diverse ways, if all this did not lead to a deeper union with Christ? He did not come to be reproduced as an image external to us, but to live in us, as Paul says in Galatians (2:20): "It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me". Then the great spiritual fruit to be invoked is not external reproduction, but the re-presentation in us of Him, that is, that Christ dwells in our hearts by faith.


            And this is precisely what the Shrine strives  to offer through the service of the Word, of Reconciliation, of the Sacraments, and this is what is especially dear to me as a Bishop: that is, the Basilica of the Holy Face is a place of  holiness, a place where the image of Christ is written within us. Everything is preparation, help that must be offered with the utmost scientific seriousness, but what we must strive for is that this encounter takes place, that is, that the loving gaze with which the believer lets himself be contemplated by Christ may be the vehicle of the gift of His mercy. Observation and feedback then move along the border between great humility and serious attention to both historical and scientific research, but to support the theological-spiritual ends which I have outlined, and which are the true purpose of the pilgrimage to the Holy Face of Manoppello.

(editor's note: thanks to Paul Badde for providing me with the original Italian text of Archbishop Forte's discourse, and also for the photos)

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Padre Domenico Remembered at the Shrine of the Holy Face on the Anniversary of His Death


text and photos by Antonio Bini

Father Domenico da Cese was remembered in the Basilica of the Holy Face of Manoppello on the 44th anniversary of his death which took place on  September 17, 1978 in Turin where he had gone for the exposition of the Shroud. 

The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Paolo Palombarini who recalled the long stay of Fr. Domenico in Manoppello during which he lived in constant contemplation of the Holy Face. In reality Fr. Domenico accomplished quite a bit more. 

Numerous devotees traveled from Puglia, Lazio and a number of other places. Many had not been to Manoppello since 2019, before Covid. Some inquired about the death of Br. Vincenzo D’Elpidio, remembering him for his many years as the director of groups of devotees of his friend Fr. Domenico. Among these groups, perplexities have arisen over the failure to start the beatification and canonization process for Fr. Domenico during the over seven years which have followed the Nulla Osta (Nihil Obstat) granted on March 3, 2015 by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. After such a long time, the archbishop of the diocese of Chieti-Vasto has not yet established the "diocesan tribunal", to be appointed for the examination of the numerous testimonies received by the Capuchins. 

Among the news regarding Father Domenico, it should be noted that in recent days a painting portraying Fr. Domenico, commissioned by the Capuchin Fathers, a work of the painter G F Renzi, is now on permanent display in the room leading to the exhibition on the Holy Face. A plaque records the dates of his birth and death. Also present for the commemoration was the Polish journalist Aleksandra Zapotoczny, close to Pope John Paul II, who is about to publish a book on the Capuchin.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Annual Commemoration of the Death (Transitus) of Padre Domenico da Cese this Sunday at Manoppello

 The 44th anniversary of the Transitus of Padre Domenico da Cese, Apostle of the Holy Face, will be commemorated this coming Sunday September 18 with an 11am Holy Mass at the Shrine of the Holy Face, Fr. Paolo Palombarini, OFM, Cap. presiding.  

Monday, August 8, 2022

Photos by Paul Badde of the celebration of the Transfiguration at Manoppello


A Triduum of Eucharistic Adoration was held for three nights prior to the feast

Fr. Gentili, Rector of the Shrine, imparting a blessing with the Holy Face

This photo reveals the Holy Face with its most mysterious and astonishing quality of invisibility  and shows the humility and hiddenness of Jesus.  He is there!  He is everywhere!  The Lord of the Universe!

The Holy Face was enthroned for the day of the Feast alongside the altar at the ancient shrine of the Cave of St. Michael the Archangel at Monte Sant'Angelo of Gargano.  The Basilica Church of the  Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello, approximately 200 kilometers from Monte Sant'Angelo, is named for St. Michael the Archangel.  The Shrine of St. Padre Pio at San Giovanni Rotondo is not far from Monte Sant'Angelo.  St. Padre Pio had visited the Cave of St. Michael a number of times.  

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord at Manoppello

text and photos (except as noted) by Antonio Bini

 On 6 August the annual feast was celebrated with solemn Masses. the morning Mass being presided over by Bishop Antonio D'Angelo, titular Bishop of Cerenza and Auxiliary of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of L'Aquila, and the afternoon by Fr. Matteo Siro, minister of the Capuchin province of Abruzzo, Lazio and Umbria. 

                                                             Fr. Siro and Fr. Gentili 

The celebrations were attended by thousands of people, including the procession which - this year - on the initiative of the rector Fr Antonio Gentili, was extended to follow the entire course of the Via Crucis. Among the various religious present was the former rector of the Shrine Fr Carmine Cucinelli.

 This year the festival coincided with the enthronements of the Holy Face in the Vancouver British Columbia area churches of St. Francis de Sales of Burnaby (pastor Fr. Mark McGuckin) and of St. James parish Abbotsford (pastor Fr. William Ashley). Both enthronements saw the participation of Fr. Bonifacio (Ted) Lopez, of the diocese of Rome and assistant to Cardinal Antonio Luis Tagle. 

The enthronements are due to the work of The Canadian Apostolate of the Holy Face of Vancouver, following the example of the late Daisy Neves. On the same day, the Holy Face was enthroned - by an anonymous pilgrim - in the Grotto of Saint Michael in Monte Sant’Angelo, with the support of the rector of the famous shrine, Fr. Ladislao Suchy. The enthronement was limited to the day of the feast. (attached photo)
photo by an anonymous pilgrim

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thousands of People at the May Celebration of the Holy Face


photo by Paul Badde

photo by Paul Badde

Text and photos by Antonio Bini (except as noted)

In 2020 and 2021 the May celebration of the feast of the Holy Face was scaled down due to the pandemic, with the suppression of the procession, which in ordinary times was always attended by many devotees and companies of pilgrims. But the strong desire to maintain, even during the emergency conditions, the centuries-old continuity of the feast had allowed only for the transfer of the Holy Face - by a small civil defense truck - to the church of San Nicola, in the center of the town, to the church where the anonymous pilgrim in the sixteenth century entrusted the Holy Face to Dr. Leonelli.


photo by Paul Badde

The celebration of Mass the past two years was also scaled back and access to the church limited to just 78 people. This year, however, thousands of people arrived for the feast of the Holy Face, on May 15 and May 16, which was certainly not less than in the years before the pandemic. It was difficult to enter the church, with many people having to remain outside. 

We noticed a number of pilgrims coming from abroad, Poland, Germany, France, etc. I managed to exchange some impressions with the religious Benjamin Koulagna (in the photo), who accompanied a group of pilgrims who came to Manoppello from Paris, thanks to the French Catholic organization Etoile Notre Dame. His emotion was palpable. He told me that it was the first time he had seen the Holy Face in person, receiving the feeling that the sacred image almost wanted to speak to him. In his hand he had the text of Benedict XVI's prayer dedicated to the Holy Face and carried a red rose, like other members of the group.

The children dressed as angels returned to open the procession, followed by the band. On the balconies of the centuries old houses of Manoppello, the most precious embroidered blankets were exhibited by families, a number of whom also had a supply of rose petals which they showered down upon the Holy Face as it passed by.

Easily noticeable was the widespread feeling of serenity, peace and festive devotion among the crowds of people who inundated the town and the road connecting with the Shrine, eager to participate in the festival as in the past.

Many mayors of neighboring towns  participated in the event together with the mayor of Manoppello, Giorgio De Luca,. In this period the municipality of Manoppello is engaged in nonstop work to improve the roads and parking near the Shrine, in preparation for the Jubilee of 2025.

The fireworks returned at the halfway mark along the route, both on the journey toward the Church of San Nicola and on the return to the Shrine. The influx of pilgrims was favored by the summer climate of the days.

The provincial Fr. Siro at the microphone and alongside the Rector Fr. Gentili

Fr. Gentili leading the praying of the Rosary

Fr. Siro at the right of the photo with the Handmaids of the Most Precious Blood behind

On both days the provincial father Fr. Matteo Siro was present. The entire Capuchin community was in attendance, led by the rector Fr. Antonio Gentili. On Monday, after the Mass celebrated by the Archbishop of Chieti, Mgr. Bruno Forte, with the participation of the parish priest Fr. Girolamo De Rose, Fr. Antonio Gentili and other religious, including the former superiors of the Shrine, Fr. Germano di Pietro and Fr. Carmine Cucinelli, the Holy Face was brought back in procession to the Basilica, through the streets of the town, accompanied by prayers and hymns. 

Fr. Germano di Pietro and Fr. Carmine Cucinelli

To give the opportunity to the largest number of people to follow the event, for the first time the entire procession was broadcast live streaming on the Facebook page of the Basilica of the Holy Face thanks to the footage of Angelo Vorraro, who is part of the Volunteers of the Holy Face (in the photo). And many have connected from various parts of the world with the FB page of the Basilica.  

In the front row Fr. Cucinelli and Fr. di Pietro with the cameraman Angelo Vorraro

Present  also was Sister Blandina Paschalis Schlömer and the author Paul Badde, engaged as always in the taking of a number of photos of the Holy Face. Among his many photographs I point to one from May15 - with the consent of Paul himself - in which the Holy Face, which never ceases to surprise, seems to present extraordinary similarities with the Face of the Shroud, demonstrating the infinite changeability of the exceptional image.

Photo by Paul Badde

It was almost as if the celebration had blissfully canceled the difficult period of the pandemic and Manoppello is ready to welcome the great flows of pilgrims as was the case until a few years ago.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Feast of the Holy Face Began This Morning at the Basilica


Link to a Video, recorded at the Basilica this morning, of the Complete Service of the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Face which was broadcast live on the Facebook page of the Basilica  Morning https://www.facebook.com/basilicavoltosanto/videos/4626531547446902

The video below was filmed this morning by Ramona Robben


Photo by Paul Badde

Friday, May 13, 2022

Feast of the Holy Face in Manoppello Sunday May 15 and Monday May 16


 Procession in 2016 from the Basilica of the Holy Face to the Parish Church of San Nicola di Bari

Sunday May 15

7am Solemn Exposition of the Holy Face in the Basilica

10am Solemn Mass at the Basilica presided by Father Antonio Gentili, Rector of the Basilica, followed by the procession towards the Parish Church of San Nicola di Bari.

11:30am Solemn Mass at the church of San Nicola da Bari concelebrated by Father Matteo Siro, Capuchin provincial, Father Antonio Gentili, Rector of the Basilica and Father Girolomo, pastor of the church of San Nicola di Bari

Midnight - Solemn Vigil led by the parish choir

Monday May 16

10am Closing of the Festivities with Solemn Mass by Archbishop Bruno Forte, Father Matteo Siro, Father Antonio Gentili, and Father Girolomo, followed by the procession through the streets of Manoppello and back towards the Basilica.  

Monday, April 18, 2022

Video of Easter Vigil Mass at the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello


The Easter Vigil Mass was presided by Fr. Antonio Gentili, OFM, Cap., the rector of the Shrine.  Here is a link to the video posted on the Facebook page of the Shrine.  


At the 40 minute 20 second mark, during the singing of the Gloria Fr. Gentili brings the monstrance with the Holy Face to the altar where it was displayed for the remainder of the service which ended with a solemn blessing of the congregation with the sacred image of the Holy Face. 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Easter Vigil at the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello Including a Blessing with the Holy Face


The Solemn celebration of the Easter Vigil at the Shrine, beginning at 10pm local time (1pm PST) will include a solemn blessing with the Holy Face, the first moment of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Altar of the Holy Face at the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Poland

Sunday, April 10, 2022



His extraordinary years "at the service of the True Face of Jesus"

Text and photos by Antonio Bini


Father Carmine Cucinelli has reached  the milestone of fifty years of priesthood at the service of the universal Church. Born in Trasacco (L'Aquila) on October 20, 1946, he entered the Order of the Capuchin friars at a young age, in a region of Marsica characterized at the time by the presence of numerous friaries. After his priestly ordination on March 28,  1972, he was assigned to the friary of Our Lady of Pietraquaria in Avezzano. In the following years he was transferred first to the Shrine of the Madonna dell'Incoronata at Vasto then to Penne and afterwards to Caramanico Terme. In 1989 he became superior of San Francesco di Paola in Sulmona, where he also assumed the functions of parish priest. In 2004 Father Carmine was appointed superior of the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello, precisely in the years in which the sacred image, until then an expression of local devotion, became the center of studies and research that was bounding into the international arena.

Father Carmine was part of a very intense phase of the life of the Shrine. In his first editorial for the shrine’s magazine Il Volto Santo di Manoppello (n. 2/2004) Father Carmine, while admitting to experiencing some sadness at having had to leave Sulmona, wrote that he was nevertheless "happy to begin the new experience that leads me to be at the service of the True Face of Jesus". It is interesting to reread the sense of wonder he felt while immersing himself for the first time in the reality of the Shrine of the Holy Face in  those days of early September 2004, quite different from the life of other friaries. Sensations expressed with his usual frankness and simplicity, giving the measure of the vitality of the Shrine just left by Father Germano Di Pietro: "I have arrived" - wrote Father Carmine - "at a time full of ferment. I found a coming and going of people of all kinds: journalists, photojournalists, scholars, prelates, researchers and simple pilgrims ... all full of interest in the sacred relic, to be studied and venerated".

Father Carmine would immediately insert himself into the dynamics "exploding" around the Holy Face which emanated from the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, placing himself totally "at the service of the True Face of Jesus" remaining for over sixteen years in Manoppello.

On the first of September 2006, two years after his arrival, he received Pope Benedict XVI. A historical visit, especially because the German pope by his mere presence was in fact confirming the theses which identified the Holy Face with the legendary Roman Veronica, supported with strength and rigor by the studies of the late Father Heinrich Pfeiffer, professor of Christian art at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.

In the following years there were many commitments in Italy and especially abroad, with missions to the United States, the Philippines, Canada, Mexico, Poland and France. Especially in the Philippines, the most Catholic country in Asia, the extraordinary results in the dissemination of the Holy Face spread from there to other countries of the continent. And then with humility and tireless dedication he faced many new experiences, such as the preparation of the exhibition on the Holy Face in Lourdes, at the request of the local bishop Most Reverend Philipp Perrier or in the group effort for the Rimini exhibition of 2013, (then replicated in New York in 2014), curated by Raffaella Zardoni and the Association "Il Volto Ritrovato" of Milan. And then conferences, meetings as well as the familiarization with the use of the web and social networks to reach the increasingly large audience of faithful and also his commitment to learning the English language. Intense years, lived with a Franciscan spirit and maintaining a willing and always positive attitude towards those who turned to him. A presence that was always discreet but at the same time effective. Then in October 2020 the transfer to the Shrine of Our Lady of Splendor in Giulianova (Teramo), following the principle of rotation established by the Capuchin Order. His figure remains however linked to the Holy Face of Manoppello, whose knowledge and devotion he has nurtured as never before, maintaining contacts with numerous priests and groups of devotees active in the countries touched by his mission.

The Basilica of Saint Cesidio and Saint Rufino

Fr. Carmine on the day of his priestly ordination

His 50 years of priesthood were celebrated on March 19 in the ancient thirteenth-century Basilica dedicated to the martyrs Saint Cesidio and Saint Rufino of Trasacco, a village in the region of Marsica, precisely where his priestly life began in 1972. A solemn ceremony attended by numerous priests, including the former provincials of Lazio and Abruzzo, Fr. Giovanni Ferri, Fr. Domenico Del Signore and Fr. Carmine Ranieri, the episcopal vicar of the Diocese of Marsi, Mgr. Francesco Tudini and the parish priest Don Francesco Grassi, as well as twelve novices from Viterbo.

Fr. Carmine Ranieri

For health reasons, Matteo Siro, who leads the new province of the Capuchins of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, could not participate, delegating Father Carmine Ranieri to give the homily.

The former provincial wanted to recall some significant periods of the priestly life of Father Carmine, not failing to emphasize some of his personal characteristics. Father Ranieri highlighted some significant experiences of Fr. Carmine’s priestly ministry, recalling his first years dedicated to the promotion of vocations at the Shrine of the Madonna dell’Incoronata of Vasto, where he had been assigned by his superiors because of his personable nature, as he was led to approach others in a humble, open, simple, fraternal, familiar way, then in Sulmona, where he continued to devote his energies to the parish reality,  always with his spirit of meekness and with the ability to approach others, with a good and familiar approach.

Then the lengthy period spent in Manoppello where Father Carmine - said Father Carmine Ranieri - "was able to reinvigorate his experience of God. Where the Face of the crucified and risen Christ is kept, he was able to revive this primordial experience, the one that we heard in the Book of Exodus narrated in today's Gospel regarding Moses and his encounter with the burning bush, with the very source of life, of the love that allows us to renew our mission towards others". He concluded by thanking Fr. Carmine affectionately for his priestly service to the Church, always marked "by his welcoming and meek spirit", which has allowed so many people to find themselves at ease, bringing them closer to the Lord.

Not a conventional discourse but an expression of an active and fraternal relationship. It was in fact  Fr. Carmine Ranieri, then Provincial, who supported the two international missions of the Holy Face and considered the opportunity to launch the process of canonization of Father Domenico da Cese, following the important work carried out by the unforgettable  Br.  Vincenzo D'Elpidio and also by  Father Carmine Cucinelli himself and the vice postulator Father Eugenio Di Gianberardino.

At the end of the celebration, the parish priest Fr Francesco Grassi read the Apostolic Blessing of Pope Francis, sent through the Polish cardinal papal almoner Konrad Krajewski, with the hope - welcomed by the general applause - that "his ministry will continue to be an icon and transparency of that of Christ". A clear and unequivocal message.

The next day, Father Carmine’s priestly jubilee was celebrated in the Shrine of Our Lady of Splendor of Giulianova, together with his Capuchin brothers and the wider community of the town on the Adriatic.

The cycle of celebrations ended in Manoppello on Saturday March 26. At the Shrine where Father Carmine admitted to having left a piece of his heart, he was welcomed by his successor, Father Antonio Gentili, who thanked him for having wished to celebrate the anniversary before the Holy Face and in the community that for so many years he had served. An emotional crowd waited to greet him, hug him again and also give him gifts.

Father Carmine had recalled – in Trasacco – his ties with the church of San Cesidio, where he was baptized, the town, his parents, teachers, childhood friends and the Capuchins who first welcomed him. He thanked his sister Anna for organizing the "celebrations" for the 50th priestly anniversary,  It was through Anna that he had come to know that their mother Bernardina, throughout her life had expressed a number of times her intention to have the anniversary properly celebrated.

In Manoppello Father Carmine thanked the Lord for having wanted him at His service for all these years, to dispense His gifts and graces to many faithful in the various pastoral activities he carried out, without ever neglecting the local community and invoking His blessing and mercy for the dead, in particular for the priests and confreres who served the Shrine,  Father Pfeiffer, Brother Vincenzo D'Elpidio, Mario Ferrante (member of the Choir) and many devoted friends and benefactors, including the unforgettable Daisy Neves.


With palpable emotion he admitted that he had lived a very special period in Manoppello.  He then recalled his first days there and the sight of the faithful intent on climbing the stairs with devotion, kneeling, and then descending with tears in their eyes. "I understood that it was a mysterious and in many ways an inexplicable sacred object," said Father Carmine. He recalled the first time that, after having become well informed about the sacred image, he had placed himself for a long time in solitary contemplation of the Holy Face, noting that "the image imprinted in the transparent veil, changed its appearance, I observed that from wherever I put myself He looked at me as a living person. I felt a great joy and I understood that it was truly an image not made by human hands, a precious gift left to us by Jesus in his perpetual memory. So I saw Jesus in his sudarium, or as Simeon said:  my eyes have seen the salvation of our God! Subsequently, I had many confirmations from scholars and researchers that things were just like that, so that I was convinced that here in Manoppello there is a relic of Jesus, the most important of Christianity".

His desire to make the Veil known was the natural consequence, making his own the perspective of the "contemplation of the face of Christ" requested for the third millennium by Pope John Paul II with the Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Ineunte, released on  January 6, 2001, at the end of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000,

He recalled for all the visit to the shrine of Benedict XVI, the growth in the number of pilgrims from all over the world, up to 1400 buses in 2007 and the accomplishment of projects that led to the improvement of the reception of the faithful and religious, such as the new confessionals and the expansion of the sacristy, to accommodate also substantial groups of religious. And then the memory of Mrs. Daisy Neves who supported the work of spreading devotion to the Holy Face beyond Italy developed by the two missions of 2014 and 2015. In this regard, one cannot help but mention the significant presence - in the celebration of Trasacco - of Fr Danny Flores and Fr Bonifacio (Ted) Lopez, priests of the Diocese of Rome who accompanied Fr. Carmine in the international missions of 2014 and 2015, becoming themselves active disseminators of the Holy Face.

Fr. Lopez, Fr. Carmine and Fr. Flores

Among the works carried out he also wished to remember the work of collecting testimonies and  documents for the start of the process of canonization of Father Domenico da Cese, a prophetic and extraordinary figure of devotion to the Holy Face.

 Very emotional, he admitted several times that: " I still have my heart in Manoppello ", thanking the community for the good that that they had wished him and for their prayers for his recovery from Covid-19 that a year ago saw him face very difficult moments.

At the end of the Mass before the blessing he addressed a heartfelt thanks to Father Antonio Gentili, rector of the shrine, to Brother Valerio Di Bartolomeo, guardian of the Capuchin fraternity of Manoppello and to all the friars. He publicly thanked the rectors who  preceded him  (Fr. Germano and Fr. Luciano), all the collaborators, from the first hour to today and in particular, Fabrizio Tricca, the late Tonino D'Intinosante, Antonio Bini, Sister Blandina, Paul Badde, Father Heinrich Pfeiffer, Saverio Gaeta, Sister Petra-Maria Steiner , the Sisters Handmaids of the Most Holy Blood, the various publishers, journalists, Italian and foreign writers, bloggers, including Raymond Frost, Tamara Klapatch, and all those who animated the liturgy: the conductor Nicola Costantini and the choir of the basilica.

Fr. Carmine embracing Fabrizio Tricca

Fr. Carmine with some of the Sisters Handmaids of the Precious Blood

And finally, he expressed his hope that the Holy Face will awaken new priestly vocations and religious life.



Some concluding (and personal) reflections from Antonio Bini


I remember that in the first days of September 2004 I wrote a short letter to Father Carmine Cucinelli declaring myself willing to continue the positive collaboration started since 1998 with his predecessor Germano Di Pietro. He called me and it was easy to establish a climate of trust and resume the journey in the common goal of disseminating and making known the Holy Face. I believe that one of the merits of Father Carmine, as indicated by Father Carmine Ranieri during the homily given in Trasacco, is to be found in his welcoming and mild spirit, and therefore also open, which allowed him to involve and motivate in the "mission" different people from Italy and abroad, with different professional backgrounds and cultures, united by devotion to the Holy Face, often putting them in relation to each other, allowing for the Shrine to travel along paths not even remotely imaginable before. I think I can say this by having followed and accompanied him in various initiatives, some to be considered almost unrepeatable. I can say this from personal experience, considering that only a few years before I did not even know the Holy Face, despite living only 30 km away.


In recent years I have met on several occasions scholars and journalists who expressed amazement at the importance of the Holy Face and what was being done to promote its knowledge, despite the small fraternity of the Capuchins present in Manoppello, even less than in other friaries.


While being aware of the crisis of vocations that affects the Church and also the Capuchin Order, I believe that the custody of what is increasingly and authoritatively considered the "most important relic of Christianity" deserves more appropriate consideration. There are many open questions, networks of relationships, relationships developed over the years with scholars and groups of faithful scattered around the world that are not easily transferable in the short term.


I was struck by the circumstance that saw Carmine, even during the two months of hospitalization for Covid, continue to be a "point of reference" from his hospital bed - thanks to technologies - for many followers of the Holy Face in Italy and abroad known during his missions whom he continues to address, even if only for a word,  with advice, encouragement. This happened, with a heroic spirit of service, even in periods when the severity of his health conditions did not even allow him to speak. Still in the convalescence phase, on July 3, 2021, he did not miss the third enthronement of the Holy Face in Rome, in the church of San Francesco Saverio, better known as the Oratory of Caravita, thanks to the will of Don Bonifacio (Ted) Lopez. The replica of the Holy Face had previously been blessed by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle. Currently he follows at a distance the preparatory phase of an upcoming enthronement scheduled for August 6, coinciding with the feast of the Transfiguration of Jesus, at St. James Parish in  Abbotsford, a Canadian city of 130 thousand inhabitants in the Vancouver area, with the full consent of the parish priest Father William Ashley and thanks to the impulse of the Canadian Apostolate of the Veil of Manoppello, a group of passionate devotees composed of Ethelyn David, Leila Gueco, Norma Reyes and Corgie Bernardo, who have already fostered enthronements in the Immaculate Conception Church of the city of Delta and in the church of St. Patrick in Vancouver. It was the same Father Carmine, during the mission to Canada in September 2015 to encourage the group, then linked to the American Daisy Neves.


We hope that Father Carmine can continue to collaborate with the community of Manoppello, while remaining in his present post, ensuring his presence "from a distance", also experiencing within the reality of the life of a friar the formula tested in the last two years to overcome the distances and break down the isolation imposed by Covid. This action "from a distance" could continue to interconnect the activities already set in motion in foreign countries, especially to avoid pauses and discontinuities in the relationships that ought to favor more than ever the united involvement of communities around the world - bonded by the Holy Face – to resume the journey towards the next Jubilee of 2025.


Text of blessing of Pope Francis upon Fr. Carmine


His holiness Francis imparts from his heart the apostolic blessing to Father Carmine Cucinelli of the Order of Capuchin Franciscans Minor on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination, and while extending it to his family, his confreres and all who unite themselves to his offering of thanksgiving for the gift of the priesthood invokes a copious celestial reward for the good he has accomplished through it and a new outpouring of lights and gifts of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that his ministry may continue to be an icon and transparency of that of Christ who”did not come to be served but to serve and to give his own life for the many” (Matthew 20:28)

L’Aquila March 18 1972 – Trasacco (AQ) Church of Saint Cesedio Martyr, March 19, 2022


From the Vatican                                Konrad Krajewski

                                                                Cardinal Almoner