Sunday, July 19, 2020

Rosary for Italy Led by Archbishop Bruno Forte at the Basilica Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello

Archbishop Bruno Forte recently led a Rosary for Italy and the world, afflicted by the Coronavirus, at     the Basilica Shrine of the Holy Face in Manoppello which will be broadcast on the Italian networks TV2000 and Radio InBlu on Wednesday July 22 at 9pm local time.  See my English translation of the Italian text   
Thanks to Paul Badde for sharing this news. The meditations for the Rosary are exceptional.


Archdiocese of CHIETI-VASTO

      Basilica Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello




Rosary for Italy

July 2020




1st Reader:

Beloved, we are at the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello, in the Archdiocese of Chieti - Vasto, joining in this great prayer for Italy and the world, afflicted by the coronavirus, with the Rosary led by Archbishop Mons. Bruno Forte and broadcast by TV2000 and Radio InBlu. 

Archbishop: We want to contemplate with Mary, Mother of the Church, the Face of the Savior, the Lord Jesus, who looks at us from His sudarium, preserved here for centuries, to give us His joy and peace. Three new priests, recently ordained, will help us in prayer.

We address the Lord, with words drawn from the prayer that Pope Benedict XVI desired to compose after his visit to this place on September 1, 2006:

Lord Jesus, show us, we pray you, your face ever new, mysterious mirror of God's infinite mercy, ... God's human face burst into history to reveal the horizons of eternity ... We wish to draw  from  your eyes,  which look at  us  with  tenderness  and  compassion, the strength of love and peace  that shows  us  the  way  of life and  the  courage to follow you without fear or compromise, to  become  witnesses  of  your  Gospel, with  concrete gestures  of  welcome,  love and  forgiveness  ... Mary, Mother of the Holy Face,  help us  to  have  hearts  enraptured  by  divine beauty,     so that,  transformed by the encounter with Christ, we might give ourselves unreservedly  to  our brothers and sisters,  especially  to the poor   and the suffering,  whose  faces reflect the  hidden presence of  your  Son Jesus, who lives and reigns forever and ever.  Amen!

2nd Reader: Let us contemplate in the prayer of the rosary this evening the glorious mysteries. They recall the experience that began the Christian movement in history: the encounter with the Risen One who shows Himself to those fearful ones who fled on Good Friday. (cf. Acts 1:3). This encounter was so decisive that their existence was totally transformed: their fear was replaced by courage; their desertion replaced by being sent out; the ones who fled became witnesses, to the very end, in lives unreservedly given to him whom they had betrayed in the "hour of darkness". 

The accounts transmitted by the Gospels and by Paul give us access to the characters who experienced the apparitions during which there were always three stages, which precisely the glorious mysteries allow us to contemplate with the Virgin Mother: the initiative of the Risen One, the process of recognition by the disciples, and their mission, which makes them witnesses of what they have "heard and seen with their eyes and contemplated and touched with their hands" (cf. 1 Jn:1:1).

First Glorious Mystery

Archbishop: in the first glorious mystery we contemplate the resurrection of Jesus.

The first day after the Sabbath, early in the morning, they went to the tomb, bringing with them the spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb; but, when they went in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were still perplexed about this, suddenly two men appeared to them in dazzling apparel. Fearful, the women bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, he has risen." (cf. Lk 24:1-6)    

2nd Reader: The initiative that gives the world new life is from the Risen One: it is he who has conquered death and who shows himself alive (cf. At 1.3). It is he, living a new life, who "appears." The experience that marked the life of the first witnesses of the Christian faith was not the result of their feeling wounded by the death of the Master, but had a character of "objectivity", was something that "happened" to them, not something that "became" in them. The Son, who consigned himself to death for our sake, rose to life to make us share in the new life in His Spirit, the anticipation and foretaste of eternal life when God’s love will be everything in everyone.


          Let us pray

Lord Jesus Christ, the love that drove you to surrender yourself to death for us and to give us Your new risen life, enraptures us and leads us to love you. Forgive all our guilt, cleanse us of all selfishness, free us from all fear, give us Your grace to love You and Your Father and our neighbor in the strength of Your Spirit. The ever-new initiative of Your risen Love helps us to advance joyfully, pilgrims with You, in the communion of Your Church, towards the promised and expected homeland of heaven. Amen. Hallelujah!

Archbishop: Our Father

Hail Mary... (10 times)

Glory to the Father...


     Second Glorious Mystery


In the second glorious mystery we contemplate the ascension of Jesus into heaven. 


Reader: "The Lord Jesus, after he had spoken with them, was taken up to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God"(Mk:16: 19). 


2nd Reader: In the Risen Jesus, the disciples recognize the one who was crucified: this recognition makes their fear turn into courage and they become new creatures, capable of loving the new life received as a gift more than life itself, ready even for martyrdom. The ascension of Jesus thus marks the beginning in time of the Christian mission. As He ascends to heaven, his own recognize themselves as being sent to the ends of the earth to bring to all the good news of salvation given in Him. 


Let us take as our own words those of the beautiful prayer of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, open to the horizons that the Ascension of Jesus reveals to us:

"My God, Trinity that I adore, help me to forget entirely about myself to rest in You, in a stillness as if my soul were already in eternity; that nothing can disturb my peace or make me leave You, my unchanging Good, and every moment you take me deeper into the depths of Your mystery. Pacify my soul, make it your heaven, Your favorite abode and the place of Your rest: that I may never leave you alone, but be totally in You, in everything alert in faith, in total adoration, in complete abandonment to Your creative action... O  my Three,  my All,  my Bliss,  Infinite Solitude,   Immensity  in which I lose myself, I hand myself over to you as  prey..  Bury yourself in me to bury me in you, in expectation of coming to contemplate in Your light the abyss of Your greatness. Amen!" (Elevation to the Holy Trinity: November 21, 1904).

Archbishop: Our Father

Hail Mary... (10 times)

Glory to the Father...

Third Glorious Mystery

Archbishop: In the third glorious mystery, we contemplate the descent of the Holy Spirit in the Cenacle.

Reader: "As the day of Pentecost was coming to an end, they were all together in the same place. Suddenly a sound came from the sky, like a strong driving wind that fell upon them, and filled the whole house where they were. Then tongues appeared as if of fire distributing and resting on each of them; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them the power to express themselves." (Cf. Acts 2:1-4)  


2nd Reader: The encounter with the Risen Jesus changes the lives of the disciples and is able to change the life of anyone who will believe in Him because He - filled with the Holy Spirit by God the Father – sends forth the Spirit on all flesh. Thanks to this outpouring of the Spirit, the consignments to the Cross are overturned: where infidelity towards love had triumphed through Judas’ act of betrayal, God's fidelity triumphed, which sends into our hearts the Spirit of His charity .(cf. Rm 5:5); where power and the Law had handed over to death the subversive and the blasphemer, now reigns the freedom of the children and the gift of Grace, which overcomes every captivity of life and heart. 


          Let us pray

Come, Holy Spirit! Renew us in our souls, make us witnesses to the life that comes from above. You, the perfect gift of the Lover and the Beloved in their creating and redeeming love, come to open us to the surprises of the Lord, anticipating in us, poor and pilgrims, the glory of the homeland, glimpsed in the hope of faith, but not yet possessed in the full joy of the Kingdom. Father of the poor, sweet guest of the soul, sweet relief, always send forth anew into us the life that has conquered and will conquer death. Amen! Hallelujah!

Archbishop: Our Father

Hail Mary... (10 times)

Glory to the Father...


Fourth Glorious Mystery


 In the fourth glorious mystery we contemplate the Assumption of Mary into heaven


Reader: "My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my savior, because he has looked upon the humility of his servant. From now on, all generations will call me blessed. Great things the Almighty has done for me and Holy is his name; from generation to generation his mercy upon those who fear him. He puts forth his arm in strength, he scatters the proud in the conceit of their heart; he casts down the powerful from their thrones, raises up the humble; (Cf. Lk 1: 47-52).  

2nd Reader: In Mary, abiding in Grace, covered by the overshadowing of the Spirit, as St. Paul VI once said, "the purest rays of human beauty come together with those which are superhuman, yet open to all, of supernatural beauty" (May 16, 1975). In her assumption to heaven, she has revealed to us the eternal future that the Lord reserves for those who welcome His love and, believing and loving, participate in the power of His resurrection. In the dogma of the Assumption, not only is Mary's total biography confessed, but the promise is also made that anyone who believes and loves will be able to participate one day in God's eternal beauty.



          Let us pray    

Mary, formed by Grace, the fragment in whom the Lord has made his dwelling in history, help us to enter the womb of the Trinity, which enveloped You in the hour of the Annunciation and welcomed you in Your Assumption into heaven, so that we too may receive divine gifts in the contemplative depth of life and bear witness, humbly and joyfully, by the works and days of our lives, to the infinite love of the three times holy God. Amen.

Archbishop: Our Father

Hail Mary... (10 times)

Glory to the Father...

Fifth Glorious Mystery

Archbishop: In the fifth glorious mystery we contemplate the Coronation of Mary Queen of heaven and earth.

Reader: "A great sign then appeared in the sky: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars" (Rev.  12:1).   

2nd Reader: The woman “clothed with the sun” of Revelation is an inseparably linked figure of the people of the first covenant, Israel, and that of the Church, and no less indicates She who is the Mother of the Messiah, the woman Mary, icon of every believer who lets himself be flooded with divine light and reads life and history under the sun of God. By contemplating she who is "clothed with the sun", each of us can be helped to welcome the light of the One who is risen, so that the history of the world, the history of the Church in time and the life of each one can find meaning, support and beauty in the living God. The Assumption is therefore the Mother of our hope, the anticipation of the destiny of anyone who believing, loves, and loving unites himself to the glorious destiny of the Son.


          Let us pray

Virgin, Mother and Bride, Queen of heaven and earth, intercede for us now and at the hour of our death, so that  we too may one day sing with You and all the Saints, together with those entrusted to us in faith, the new song of the Lamb, on the Sunday without sunset of the heavenly city, radiant in joy and shining with the beauty of ever victorious divine Love. Amen.

Archbishop: Our Father

Hail Mary... (10 times)

Glory to the Father...

Soloist: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, All:  save us from the fires of hell, bring all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Your mercy.

Prayer to invoke liberation from evils in time of Coronavirus

Lord Jesus, Savior of the world, hope that will never disappoint us, take pity on us and free us from all evil! Please overcome the scourge of this virus, heal the sick, preserve the healthy, support those who work for the health of all, and welcome in Your peace those who have left this life. Show us Your Face of Mercy and save us in Your great love. We ask you this through the intercession of Mary, your Mother and ours, who faithfully accompanies us. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.


                                                                            Litany of Loreto

Lord have mercy                                                            Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy                                                        Christ have mercy

Lord have mercy.                                                            Lord have mercy

Christ hear us.                                                       Christ hear us

Christ graciously hear us,                                      Christ graciously hear us

God the Father of Heaven                                                       Have mercy on us

God the Son, Redeemer of the World                            Have mercy on us

God the Holy Spirit                                                        Have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, one God                                                    Have mercy on us

Holy Mary                                                            Pray for Us

Holy Mother of God,

Holy Virgin of Virgins,

Mother of Christ,

Mother of the Church,

Mother of mercy,

Mother of divine grace,

Mother of Hope,

Mother most pure

Mother most chaste

Mother inviolate

Mother undefiled

Mother most amiable

Mother most admirable

Mother of good counsel

Mother of our Creator,

Mother of our Savior,

Virgin most prudent

Virgin most venerable

Virgin most renowned

Virgin most powerful

Virgin most merciful

Virgin most faithful

Mirror of justice

Seat of Wisdom

Cause of our joy

Temple of the Holy Spirit,

Tabernacle of eternal glory

Dwelling totally consecrated to God

Mystical rose

Tower of David

Tower of Ivory

House of Gold

Ark of the Covenant

Gate of heaven,

Morning Star,

Health of the sick,

Refuge of sinners,

Solace of migrants

Comforter of the afflicted,

Help of Christians,

Queen of Angels,

Queen of Patriarchs,

Queen of Prophets,

Queen of Apostles,

Queen of Martyrs,

Queen of true Christians,

Queen of Virgins,

Queen of all Saints,

Queen conceived without original sin,

Queen assumed into heaven,

Queen of the Holy Rosary

Queen of the Family

Queen of Peace.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Pray for us, Holy Mother of God.

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Let us pray- Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, that we Thy servants may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be delivered from present sorrow and enjoy everlasting happiness. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen


Archbishop:Our Father

Hail Mary...

Glory to the Father...

Prayer To Our Lady of Miracles



Archbishop: We conclude with a prayer to Our Lady of Miracles, so revered by our people, who often go on pilgrimage to the Shrine where on June 11, 1570 the Virgin appeared to a farmer, Alexander Muzio, asking him to faithfully live the Eucharist on Sunday and to spread the love for it, and where the community of the Benedictine Fathers uninterruptedly lift up to God their praises and their intercession for all of us.

Mary, mother of the little ones and the poor, turn to us the gaze of Your maternal tenderness and cover us with the mantle of Your mercy. In You, earth and heaven met in the gift of God's incarnate Love. Through Your intercession and Your example, accomplish in us the miracle of the faith that welcomes, the love that offers, the hope that lights up the days. You, sanctuary of the God three times Holy, help us to be a living temple of the glory of the Father, imitators of the Son in the grace of the Spirit, who covered You with His shadow to abide in us, children in Your Son. Amen.

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