Saturday, March 22, 2025

Cardinal Tagle Brings the Entire Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples on Retreat to the Holy Face


by Antonio Bini   

photos taken from Facebook page of the Basilica of the Holy Face of Manoppello

About 150 people, that is, all the religious and lay personnel of the Dicastery for Evangelization, coming from various countries of the world, participated in the Lenten Retreat at the Shrine of the Holy Face on March 18, presided over by the prefect of the Dicastery, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, assisted by Archbishop Msgr. Fortunatus Nwachukwu from Nigeria, former Apostolic Nuncio and Secretary of the Section for the First Evangelization and the New Particular Churches, and by Archbishop Samuele Sangalli, Assistant Secretary of the same Dicastery. Fr. Antonio Gentili, Rector of the Shrine, welcomed the Cardinal and those accompanying him, aware of the symbolic importance of the event.

During the retreat, a meditation on the Face of Jesus was lead by Fr. Luciano Morra, S.J., former superior of a community in Taiwan. For Msgr. Samuele Sangalli, named archbishop by Pope Francis on February 5, the retreat immediately preceded the solemn liturgy of his episcopal ordination, which took place in St. Peter's the following day, in the presence of over 30 cardinals and bishops, with the principal consecrator being Card. Louis Antonio Tagle, who was appointed bishop by St. John Paul II in 2001 and created cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI in 2011. We also recall that the prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples was the first Cardinal in the history of the Shrine to join - on May 20, 2017 - the traditional procession on foot from the Basilica to the town, together with many Italian and foreign pilgrims. Very devoted to the sacred image, he has distinguished himself in the dissemination of the Holy Face, especially in Asian countries.  According to credible sources, Cardinal Tagle was among the candidates at the conclave in 2013 which elected Pope Francis.  

Cardinal Tagle during the May 20, 2017 procession (photo by Antonio Bini)

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Face of the Resurrection Explained by Sr. Blandina Paschalis Schlömer

Salì sul tramonto "luce vera, quella che illumina ogni uomo" 

(He Rose Above the Sunset, "the true light, that enlightens every man") 
authored by Sr. Blandina Paschalis Schlömer

Reviewed by Antonio Bini

Available at the Souvenir shop of the Shrine and online:


Sr. Blandina Paschalis Schlömer (photo by Antonio Bini)

In the Jubilee year, the first book in Italian by the scholar of the Holy Face

As Fr. Carmine Cucinelli, long-time rector of the Shrine of Manoppello, explains in the introduction, the book is the first published in Italian by Sr. Blandina Paschalis Schlömer and follows previous publications on the Holy Face published in recent years by the nun from Germany in German, English, French and Polish.

It is, however, a completely new book, apart from some brief initial references to testimonies expressed in 1999 by Fr. Heinrich Pfeiffer, who recognized that the research of Sr. Blandina constituted "a sure foundation" for subsequent investigations on the Holy Face, and by Fr. Andrea Resch, the first scholar to favor the publication of her studies.

An eagerly awaited book, of 354 pages, with a complex layout, especially for the vast iconographic store consisting of 126 illustrations, twenty tables and an appendix of images on transparent slides of the Shroud, the Holy Face and the bloody Sudarium of Oviedo which, in superimposition, allow the evocative personal experience of seeing a single face. A further slide guides the reader to the points of congruence.

The work is composed of various sections, characterized by frequent biographical references, in which the scholar traces her relationship with the Holy Face which began progressively, after an initial refusal, in the years 1979-1980, once she became aware of the existence of another face, in addition to the Shroud, which she had previously studied.

The Trappist nun, a graduate in pharmacy and scholar of Christian iconography, sensed that the face of the Shroud and that of the Holy Face, representations of the death and resurrection of Christ, although apparently distant from each other, could be superimposed, with increasingly detailed research, leading to the conclusion that it must be a single face.

A unique circumstance as confirmed by the archbishop of the diocese of Chieti-Vasto, the theologian Bruno Forte, in one of his contributions in the book.

However, these results have not always been accepted in past years, as they challenged established beliefs.

Sr. Blandina admits that even in her convent "a growing misunderstanding" emerged. A situation that led her to ask to be assigned to the monastery of Helfta, then in the process of being refounded, a highly symbolic place, as that convent is linked to the lives of St. Gertrude and St. Matilda of Hackeborn, united by their special veneration of the Holy Face. In 2003 she had the opportunity to return to Italy, to Manoppello, where various circumstances convinced her to stay forever.

At first it was not easy, she recalls, including due to her lack of knowledge of the Italian language, but she remembers how she was spontaneously helped by some people from the village, who found her accommodation in an isolated farmhouse, in the hills, near the Shrine. I remember that a stable with two pigs continued to operate, and was later transformed into a small chapel, a place of prayer and meditation. Today, thanks also to the support of a German patron devoted to the Holy Face, the area has been expanded, with a larger chapel and meeting places, becoming an oasis of spirituality in the greenery , which is also the headquarters of the Association of Our Lady of the Holy Face, which supported the publication. From the window of her study, surrounded by numerous images of the Holy Face, her gaze is constantly turned towards the Shrine.

There are many individuals and groups who, arriving at the Shrine of Manoppello, also go to the hermitage to meet Sr. Blandina, well known among Italian and foreign scholars, especially after the historic visit of Benedict XVI.

A section of the book contains the exposition of various considerations expressed by physicians. A first "consultation" was promoted by Sr. Blandina, which in 2011 involved some Austrian and German doctors with different specializations: Elisabeth Koch (Austria), Harald and Maria Keller (Germany), Bertha Vera Wahrmann (Germany), Rudolf Tielsch (Austria), Cornelia Wehr (Austria), Ute Stass (Germany).

During 2012 a group of doctors from Chieti, encouraged by Mons. Bruno Forte, archbishop of Chieti-Vasto, met several times in Manoppello, deepening the mystery of the Holy Face. These are their names: Lucia Marchione, Luciano Paolo Marchionno, Piero Scipione, Fernando Galluppi, Pasquale Capone, Marina De Cesare. On this occasion, Fr. Ceslao Gadacz, then a member of the friary of the Shrine, participated wholeheartedly in the work, taking care of the creation of several videos in which images of the meetings and reflections expressed by the doctors were collected. Their consultation is facilitated with access via QR-code reported in the book.   

Photo taken at a recent gathering of the Italian doctors who collaborated with
Sr. Blandina on a section of the book
(Photo by Antonio Bini)


In the final elaboration of the contents, Sr. Blandina involved Dr. Francesca Esposito for an updated recognition of the scientific interpretations collected in past years.

The German scholar explains that the delay with which these studies are made public is due to her only recently acquired mastery of the Italian language, which has allowed her to finally consider the relevance of the doctors' theses, long kept in a drawer.

There is no shortage of references to other important research, such as those carried out by Prof. Pietro Baraldi in 2007, using Raman 2 laser technology, never previously disclosed, or regarding her intuition of marine byssus, which she shared and developed with the writer Paul Badde, confirmed by Chiara Vigo, the last expert master of the so-called sea silk, who lives on the island of Sant'Antioco. Also worth mentioning are various historical-artistic references to Veronica, which lead back to the Holy Face. Among these, the case of the altarpiece of the Holy Face-Veronica by Ugo da Carpi, examined very closely during the exhibition in the artist’s hometown in 2024, five centuries after its creation, commissioned by Pope Clement VII for the Jubilee of 1525.

Finally, it is necessary to refer to the title of the book, with which the author recalls the words of Pope St. Gregory the Great “he rose above the sunset because by rising again he trampled on the death he had endured”, an image that exhorts us to recognize Jesus in his resurrection, a perspective that constitutes the perennial horizon of Sister Blandina's mission, in continuity with what was the prophetic thought expressed by Fr. Domenico da Cese, a charismatic Capuchin, whose beatification she hopes to be able to attend, who affirmed with conviction of the Holy Face: "This is the face of the Risen One".

The important work constitutes, in the hopes of the author herself, who has dedicated her life to the Holy Face, an opportunity for scholars and devotees eager to delve into the complex material and spiritual reality of the veil of Manoppello. Knowing her, we can say that even at 82 years of age her research certainly does not end with this book.

Back Cover of Sr. Blandina's Book with reference to the Homily of Pope St. Gregory the Great on the Resurrection quoting Psalm 68 and the Gospel of John 1:9

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Holy Year Pilgrimages to Italy Which Include a visit to the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello


Bishop Erik Thomas Pohlmeier of the Diocese of St. Augustine celebrated Mass at the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello (photo from the Facebook page of the Shrine

During this year of Jubilee 2025 many pilgrimages from the USA have been organized which include a visit to the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello.  On January 21 Bishop Erik Thomas Pohlmeier of the Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida led a group of his faithful to the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello.  Below is a list of pilgrimages which I have found that are advertised on the internet.  Some of them may already be fully booked but are accepting applications for a waiting list.  November 12 to 22 with Fr. Lynx Soliman  I would highly recommend this pilgrimage  May 24 to June 3  October 7 to 17 on wait list  October 21 to 31 on wait list  Pilgrimage led by Fr. Rocky of Relevant Radio -   October 14 to 24 on wait list  This travel agency has a number of pilgrimages organized throughout 2025 and into 2026 which are planning to visit the Holy Face  May 15 to 22  Fr. Bill Swengros Spiritual Director  May 12 to 21 to celebrate 25th anniversary of priestly ordination of Fr. Herb Bennerfield April 28 to May 9 with Fr. Nelson Cintra and Deacon Lou Aaron  May 15 to 25 on wait list. Highly recommended.  Organized by Steve and Janet Ray May 28 to June 8.  The webpage for this pilgrimage states that "this itinerary is subject to change without notice"  October 26 to November 5,  Spiritually led by the Most Reverend William E. Koenig, D.D.  September 17 to 28 Hawaii Island pilgrimage to Italy  October 6 to 16   arrange own tour from Rome with a group from 2 to 8 travelers.  April 22 to May 1, 2025 pilgrimage for the canonization of Bl. Carlo Acutis  Sold out under spiritual leadership of Fr. Thomas Lim September 27 to October 10  Departing from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on many dates throughout the year    October 6 to October 20  Spiritual Director Bishop Slawomir Szkredka  (auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles)  also includes shrines in Poland  October 21 to 30 led by Fr. Eric Rapaglia  June 21 to 30 To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Immaculate Conception parish, led by Msgr. Fernando Ferrarese  April 21 to May 2, includes canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis, led by Fr. Peter Towsley

I have found the following webpage to be a helpful introduction to those visiting the Shrine of the Holy Face for the first time

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Celebration at Manoppello for the Feast of Omnis Terra and Opening of the Holy Door for the Jubilee Year


(Photo by Antonio Bini)

(Photo by Alexandra Prandell)

On January 19, the Second Sunday after Epiphany, also known as Omnis Terra Sunday, there was a Eucharistic celebration at the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello attended by an overflowing congregation presided by the Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto, Mons. Bruno Forte with concelebrants Fr. Antonio Gentili, Rector of the Shrine and Fr. Simone Cavalrese, Capuchin Provincial. The celebration marked the tenth annual renewal of the historic Omnis Terra pilgrimage began by Pope Innocent XIII in the twelfth century to give honor to the Holy Face of Jesus miraculously imprinted on a cloth. This same cloth is now preserved at the Shrine of the Holy Face. As part of the celebration the Archbishop opened the Holy Door at the Shrine for the Jubilee Year 2025. At the end of the celebration a short procession with the Holy Face took place and the Archbishop imparted a benediction with the Holy Face. Archbishop Forte's inspiring homily follows below.

The Holy Face, a source of joy that fills the heart

Homily at the Mass at the Shrine of the Holy Face in Manoppello

Sunday, January 19, 2025

+ Bruno Forte

Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto

The theme that dominates the entire liturgy of the Word this Sunday is that of joy. This is a central motif of biblical faith, as Pope Francis makes us understand in a significant passage of Gaudete et exsultate, the Apostolic Exhortation dedicated to the call to holiness in the contemporary world (19 March 2018), where he states: "The prophets announced the time of Jesus, which we are living, as a revelation of joy: 'Sing and be glad!' (Is 12:6); "Ascend a high mountain, you who bring glad tidings to Zion! Lift up your voice with strength, you who bring good news to Jerusalem" (Is 40:9); "Cry out for joy, O mountains, for the Lord comforts his people and has mercy on their poor" (Is 49:13) ...» (no. 123). I would therefore like to reflect on the relationship between the Face of Jesus, whom we contemplate in this Shrine, and the joy of the disciple, who looks at him and allows himself to be looked at by the Son who came among us in an intense bond of faith and love.

The text taken from the prophet Isaiah (62:1-5), written to give courage and hope to the people who have returned from the long experience of exile, is first and foremost a song of love: "For the sake of Zion I will not be silent, for the sake of Jerusalem I will not rest, until her righteousness rises like dawn and her salvation shines like a lamp". The dawn announced by Isaiah is the hour when the Lord's love for His people will be manifested in righteousness and glory as the fruit of the spousal covenant established between God and Israel forever. The joy that will follow will be that of the people, who feel chosen and loved, but it will also be the joy of God, equal to that of a bridegroom before His beloved: "As the bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you". Joy is having the experience of feeling loved and loving: when this love, then, comes from the Lord and is therefore eternal and perfect, joy can only be infinite and eternal. Such is the joy of which Jesus came to bring to the world the proclamation and the gift: therefore, contemplating His Face fills the heart with joy, making us feel the beauty of knowing that we are loved and making us capable of loving. 

In the passage from Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians (12:4-11), the Apostle insists on the joy due to the abundance of gifts or charisms that the Spirit pours out on believers and that are expressed in the variety of ministries in which the one and only Lord works: "There are many activities, but one is God, who works all in all". To each one, Paul says, "a particular manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good... wisdom... knowledge... faith... Healing... Miracles... prophecy... discernment... languages... But all these things are done by the one and the same Spirit, distributing them to each one as he wills." It is a shower of graces that the Spirit pours out, and each one is suitable precisely for the recipient to whom it is given: the joy of the gift is the source of passionate and generous commitment on the part of each one, in the power of Pentecost, so that the industriousness of each one, faithful to what he has received, may be a source of truth, justice, peace, freedom and joy for all. From the Face of the beloved Lord, grace radiates to the faces of the loved and the gift of joy given to each one becomes active love for the good and full joy of all. The Holy Face radiates joy because it is the transparent image of a heart that loves and by loving transmits joy to anyone who accepts its gift with faith.

Finally, in the passage taken from the Gospel according to John (2:1-11) the miracle of the water transformed into wine by Jesus at a wedding feast celebrated in Cana in Galilee is recounted, where the Mother of the Lord is also present and intervenes with caring love. The atmosphere is one of festive joy, until the moment when the wine fails and fear creeps in that sadness may take the place of the feast. The miracle of the water transformed into excellent wine by Jesus, in response to his mother's caring request, shows how much he cares about the joy of spouses and their loved ones together with them. The particularly beautiful message is that the eternal Son has the joy of creatures at heart and will give it through all the signs that He will work in the days of His flesh, as the conclusion of the story assures us: "This, at Cana in Galilee, was the beginning of the signs performed by Jesus; he manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him." The glory of God is the living man, as Saint Irenaeus of Lyons says, and the life of man is the vision of God: and all this is accomplished in a most pure, intense joy.

The joy that Jesus gives to anyone who believes in him is born from the acceptance of the good news of divine love that forgives, reconciles, transfigures and saves in time and for eternity. It is the joy that fills the heart of those who believe, as Jesus himself declared: "I have spoken these things to you so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be full" (Jn 15:11). It is the joy that the disciples offer by proclaiming the Gospel and transmitting new life in Christ, that joy by which they know that they must be - according to an expression of the Apostle Paul - the "co-workers of the joy" of all (cf. 2 Cor 1:24). Meditating, then, on the gift of joy in relation to the encounter with the Holy Face, who looks at us, loves us and fills us with joy, we can recognize a threefold message: the source of joy is Christ, the Son of God who came among us to flood us with love from on high and thus make us feel rich in the joy of being loved and of being able to love; the model of joy is always Jesus, who with His Face makes us understand that joy must be welcomed and given, in a direct and personal relationship with the other, analogous to the one that His gaze and His Face establish with each one of us; the destination of joy is in ourselves and in those whom God entrusts to us and to whom he sends us, because joy is not a good to be jealously guarded, but an overflowing river to be shared and spread with the choices and gestures of lived charity. Anyone who presumes to stop joy in his heart will lose it immediately, and he who does not know how to draw it ever anew from the inexhaustible source would risk being deprived of it.

The Holy Face is therefore the source, model and goal of joy, and contemplating it makes us not only joyful because it makes us feel loved in the Beloved, but sent as missionaries in love with the joy that only true love can give, that love that comes from God and returns to Him through the necessary and precious passage of others to be loved,  especially if they are small, poor and in need of justice and love. Turning to the Holy Face of Jesus we can then praise thus:  

Lord Jesus, You are the Face of eternal love and You wanted to look at us with eyes of mercy, pouring out the Holy Spirit as the perfume of Your grace and diffuser of the joy that You alone can give to our hearts and to the whole universe. You wanted to touch us in order to be touched by us, and you let yourself be tasted in the bread of life, capable of nourishing our weakness and making us collaborators in the joy of all. Speak to us again, envelop us with your presence, and grant that the encounter with you in this holy place may be the new beginning of the history of salvation, charity and joy, to which you call our hearts and all your people, pilgrims in time. And Mary, who first contemplated your Face and kissed it with the tenderness of a Mother, feeling full of love and joy, she who saw him close his eyes on the arms of the cross in an offering of total love, a source of forgiveness, salvation and joy for us, she who contemplated him risen as the giver of true and full life and now contemplates him in glory,  living to intercede for us with the Father, help us to be faithful and joyful disciples of Your Truth that enlightens and saves. Grant that by welcoming you through the grace of the Jubilee indulgence, offered by Mother Church in the sacraments, in works of charity and in faith as a merciful care of our frailties, we may be credible witnesses of the joy that your Face, revelation and gift of infinite love, transmits to the hearts of the humble, who love you by letting themselves be loved by you. Lord of joy, may Your Face help us to be convinced and contagious spreaders of the joy that will never disappoint us. Amen!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sunday January 19 the Feast of Omnis Terra to be Celebrated at Manoppello

Poster by Sr. Blandina Schloemer and the Association of Our Lady of the Holy Face

 This Sunday January 19 the annual celebration of the feast of Omnis Terra will be celebrated at the Basilica of the Holy Face of Manoppello with a Mass beginning at 11am and including a procession and blessing Urbi et Orbi (of the city and the world).  The liturgy will be presided by Archbishop Bruno Forte of the local diocese of Chieti-Vasto, with concelebrants Father Simon Calvarese, OFM, Cap. the Capuchin Provincial and Father AntonioGentili, OFM, Cap. the Rector of the Shrine. 

Digital Edition of the Magazine of the Shrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello


The Shrine of the Holy Face regularly publishes a magazine Il Volto Santo di Manoppello with news of the Shrine's activities regarding the devotion to the Holy Face and includes much spiritual encouragement in our Catholic faith.

In addition to the print copy a digital copy is available through the internet. The latest edition can be accessed through the link above.

Prior issues of the magazine can be accessed through the link 

By using Google or other browser Translate feature the Italian text can be translated into English or other language.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Presented at Pescara the Book by Antonio Bini - Heinrich Pfeiffer and the Recognition of the Veronica in the Holy Face of Manoppello

A compelling story between the Jubilees of 2000 and 2025 is recounted in Antonio Bini's book, Heinrich Pfeiffer - Lo studioso che identificò la Veronica nel Volto Santo, which was presented in Pescara during a meeting promoted by the Culture, Art and School Association of Pescara, held in the packed conference room of the Pescarabruzzo Foundation. 

Gianni Melilla, president of the Association, who introduced the conference, confessed that he was very taken by the book so much that he finished reading it late at night, explaining that "Antonio Bini with this work honors Father Heinrich Pfeiffer, professor of the history of Christian art at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and one of the greatest contemporary scholars of the cultural heritage of the Church. With his studies on the Holy Face and the Veronica, Pfeiffer, like David, challenged the Goliath of sindonologists evidently "irritated" by a thesis that disturbed centuries-old beliefs on Christ's burial cloths. The Culture, Art and School Association believes it is important to promote the historical-religious heritage of our land and for this reason we wanted to present this very interesting book".

from the left, Fr. Antonio Genitili, Gianni Melilla, Antonio Bini, Stefano Falco, director
(photo by Francesca Esposito Bini)

Fr. Antonio Gentili, rector of the Shrine, then spoke, thanking Antonio Bini for his work and the Association for organizing the presentation. After recalling the importance of the figure of the German Jesuit, he wanted to recall the devotion of so many pilgrims who come to Manoppello from all over the world. "There are many," said the rector, "who encounter the Holy Face full of devotion and hope, often moved to tears. Many are suffering people or even with serious problems who find comfort and hope in that gaze."

(photo by Antonio Bini)

Fr. Gentili also recounted a list of the churches of various countries where the Holy Face is present, and revealed two upcoming enthronements that will take place, in February in a church in London, and in April in a church in Pennsylvania, while it is not excluded that during the Jubilee 2025 there will be other enthronements.

This was followed by the talk by the director Stefano Falco who produced the interesting documentary "The Mystery of the Holy Face" at the end of 1999, including images of the press conference in Rome on May 31, 1999, as well as the testimonies of Fr. Heinrich Pfeiffer and Sister Blandina Paschalis Schlömer, interviewed at the time in her religious community of Maria Frieden in Dahlem (Eifel), Germany. As is well known, since 2003 Sister Blandina has lived in Manoppello, near the Holy Face. The documentary was then shown to the audience.

Antonio Bini, author of the book, then spoke, stating that it was his desire to give a personal testimony of the work of Fr. Pfeiffer, of whom he was a friend and collaborator since 1998, and to recall little-known facts and events, which preceded and followed the international press conference in Rome on May 31, 1999 which, a few months before the beginning of the Great Jubilee of 2000, brought to light the complex historical-religious story of the Veronica, the most important relic of Christianity, which was believed to be lost.

As the promoter of that conference, Antonio Bini himself played a role in the dissemination of the Holy Face in the world. But starting from that May 31, 1999 the life of Fr. Pfeiffer, who passed away in 2021, was not easy, remembered Antonio Bini. Only the visit of Pope Benedict XVI – on September 1, 2006 – contributed, in fact, to confirming the validity of the German Jesuit's studies.

Fr. Heinrich Pfeiffer and Prof. J.S. Jaworski, Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University
(photo by Antonio Bini)

Bini's talk was followed by the questions from various people present at the meeting, who took the opportunity to find answers to their questions, showing however that they possessed a non-superficial knowledge of the Holy Face.

The author of the book, in conclusion, expressed his gratitude for the turnout and for the interest shown in his book, referring to the email he received a few days earlier from the French scholar Guillaume Nocq, author of the essay "Le Voile de Véronique, Enquête sur le Suaire de Manoppello", who called the book "beautiful and fascinating", expressing his "emotion to see the history of the Holy Face retraced through the work of Heinrich Pfeiffer and to see its reflections in the faith of the Church". This testimony, said Antonio Bini, "is also pleasing as it demonstrates the usefulness of his work among scholars and the most attentive faithful."