Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christ is Born!

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, how great a gift it is to be part of a communion which is open to everyone! It is the communion of the Most Holy Trinity, from whose heart Emmanuel, Jesus, “God with us”, came into the world. Like the shepherds of Bethlehem, let us contemplate, filled with wonder and gratitude, this mystery of love and light! Happy Christmas to all!"

Pope Benedict XVI Christmas 2009

Still, still, still
"Salzburger Volkslieder" Salzburg, 1819

Still, still, still,Weil's Kindlein schlafen will.
Die Englein tun schön jubilieren,
Bei dem Kripplein musizieren.
Still, still, still,Weil's Kindlein schlafen will.

Schlaf, schlaf, schlaf,Mein liebes Kindlein schlaf!
Maria tut dich niedersingen

Und ihr treues Herz darbringen.
Schlaf, schlaf, schlaf,Mein liebes Kindlein schlaf!

Groß, groß, großDie Lieb ist übergroß!
Gott hat den Himmelsthron verlassen
Und muss reisen auf der Straßen.
Groß, groß, großDie Lieb' ist übergroß.

Wir, wir, wir,Tun rufen all zu dir:
Tu uns des Himmels Reich aufschließen,
Wenn wir einmal sterben müssen.
Wir, wir, wir,Wir rufen all zu dir.

Still, still, still From Salzburg, 1819
Literal English translation -

Still, still, still,'
Cause baby wants to sleep.
The angels jubilate beautifully,
By the manger making music.
Still, still, still,'Cause baby wants to sleep.

Sleep, sleep, sleep,
My dear babe sleep!
Maria sings you a lullaby
And brings you her true heart.
Sleep, sleep, sleep,My dear babe sleep!

Great, great, great,
The love is more than great!
God has left his throne
And must go by road.
Great, great, great,The love is more than great.

We, we, we,
All do call out to you:
Open heaven's realm to us,
If we must die one day.
We, we, we,We all call out to you.

Manger Scene from St. Ignatius Church, San Francisco, photo by Hector Vasquez

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Radiant Beams from Thy Holy Face

Silent Night, Holy Night, Son of God, Love's Pure Light
Radiant Beams from Thy Holy Face
With the Dawn of Redeeming Grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy Birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy Birth

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Show Us Your Face O Lord and We Shall Be Saved

"How real Christ is, how terribly real, when He confronts us in one of our brothers in distress"

taken from Voice From the Desert, by Albert Peyriguere, (1883-1959) Sheed and Ward, New York, 1967