Immortal words from Pope John Paul II addressed to a group of young people attending one of the first World Youth Days in the 1980's: "I see the light of the 21st Century in your eyes".
Excerpt from the message of Pope Benedict XVI for World Youth Day 2009
"Just as he once encountered the young Paul, Jesus also wants to encounter each one of you, my dear young people. Indeed, even before we desire it, such an encounter is ardently desired by Jesus Christ. But perhaps some of you might ask me: How can I meet him today? Or rather, in what way does he approach me? The Church teaches us that the desire to encounter the Lord is already a fruit of his grace. When we express our faith in prayer, we find him even in times of darkness because he offers himself to us. Persevering prayer opens the heart to receive him, as Saint Augustine explains: "Our Lord and God ... wants our desire to be exercised in prayer, thus enabling us to grasp what he is preparing to give" (Letter 130:8,17). Prayer is the gift of the Spirit that makes us men and women of hope, and our prayer keeps the world open to God (cf. Spe Salvi, 34)."
When we contemplate the Holy Face we see Jesus, Jesus sees us and we see ourselves in Jesus.
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